Coral is the Pantone colour of the year – wearing it at weddings

Every year, colour experts Pantone select their ‘Colour of the Year’. Based on trend predictions and the tastes of major influencers, the Pantone Colour of the Year can have a big impact on the world of design. This year, the company has chosen Living Coral as its trend-setting tone. According to @pantone, the shade is “An animating and life-affirming coral hue with a golden undertone that energizes and enlivens with a softer edge.”

Living coral colour

As well as having a big influence on the creative industries, this selection is likely to impact on our everyday lives. Fashion brands often take inspiration from the Colour of the Year and it won’t be long until we see Living Coral appearing in collections up and down the High Street. If you’re heading to a wedding this year, Living Coral might be the perfect choice for your outfit. Vibrant, fun and eye-catching, it’s the shade you’ve been looking for.


If you really want to make a statement with your wedding outfit, opt for a dress that’s Living Coral from head to toe. This will help you to instantly stand out from the crowd and will add a fun and stylish element to your look. The bright shade works especially well for summer and spring weddings. If you’re going to winter or autumn nuptials, team your Living Coral outfit with a darker pashmina or jacket to take the edge off of its summery look.


If you don’t want to go the whole hog and wear a complete Living Coral outfit to an upcoming wedding, you can still incorporate the colour into your look using Living Coral accessories. A brightly coloured pashmina, pair of shoes, jacket, hairpiece or bag could help to set your outfit off and give it the originality you’re looking for. Despite its bold tones, Living Coral actually works well with a number of other shades, so matching it with your outfit and other accessories should be easy.

Complementary outfits

A lot of couples like to wear wedding outfits that complement each other. If you and your partner want to dress alike, introducing a few Living Coral accessories to both your looks could be the perfect way to go. As the colour is so unique, people will instantly associate you with each other. Give your partner a Living Coral tie, buttonhole or shirt. Wear a matching pashmina, bag or dress and your outfits will work perfectly together.

A fantastic choice for weddings of all types, Living Coral will help you make your outfit fun, eye-catching and oh-so-stylish. Find out more about getting ready for an upcoming wedding, or about our stunning exclusive use wedding venues, by exploring our site today.

If you have any questions relating to having your wedding at Clearwell Castle, please don't hesitate to call Laura via the contact details below:


T: 01594 832 320