Wedding Anniversaries

Whether you are approaching your 1st wedding anniversary or you 50th, every year has a special meaning and represents a significant milestone in your commitment to one another.

Clearwell Castle - Wedding

Wedding anniversaries date back to the Holy Roman Empire (962 – 1806) when husbands crowned their wives with a silver wreath on their 25th anniversary and a gold wreath on their 50th.

During the 20th Century, it developed that a named gift would represent each individual year that the couple had been together.

Clearwell Castle - Wedding Rings

Here is the traditional wedding gift list:

1st Paper                                               13th Lace

2nd Cotton                                           14th Ivory

3rd Leather                                          15th Crystal

4th Fruit, flowers                                20th China

5th Wood                                              25th Silver

6th Sugar                                              30th Pearl

7th Copper, wool                                 35th Coral

8th Bronze, pottery                             40th Ruby

9th Pottery, willow                              45th Sapphire

10th Tin                                                 50th Gold

11th Steel                                               55th Emerald

12th Silk, linen                                     60th Diamond

Clearwell Castle - Champagne

If you would like to celebrate that significant date here at the Castle and reminisce about your wedding day, then please contact the office on 01594 832 320- we’d love to see you again!

Emma at Clearwell Castle

If you have any questions relating to having your wedding at Clearwell Castle, please don't hesitate to call Laura via the contact details below:


T: 01594 832 320