When is the perfect time to pop the question?

Planning a memorable proposal is what every person popping the question aims to achieve. But pulling off the engagement of a lifetime doesn’t just come down to how you do it or what you do it with!

Getting the timing just right is a key consideration and when it comes to proposing, some dates are better than others. Read on to discover the most popular dates for popping the question, and how you can find your very own perfect moment.

Valentine’s Day

Proposal trends have changed just like any other during recent years, and during this time, the popular proposal date Christmas Day was knocked off the top spot. As the official day of romance, Valentine’s Day was of course a fitting replacement.

As a holiday all about love, proposing on Valentine’s Day obviously has romantic vibes written all over it. But the surprise element matters more than ever when choosing this very popular date to propose.

Avoid proposing expectedly – i.e. over a romantic candlelit dinner – and opt for a personalised proposal that she’ll love.

New Year’s

The start of a new year marks a period of renewal and what better way to start afresh than with your fiancée by your side. Whether going for a New Year’s Day or New Year’s Eve proposal, this symbolic meaning won’t be lost on your partner.

Popping the question on New Year’s Eve is particularly fitting if you want to make your proposal a grand affair. Your partner is likely to be dressed up for the occasion, whilst family and friends may also be close by to share the moment with you.

Christmas Day

Christmas may have been and gone but we can’t get the beautiful proposals that go hand-in-hand with the festive season out of our minds.

Nothing beats that holiday feeling, which is why many couples choose to make the season all the more joyful by popping the question. Those looking to share the experience with loved ones will also find Christmas an opportune time to pop the question.

Tis the season of family, celebration and love, which makes extending your family with a Christmas proposal extra special, especially if you get a sprinkling of snow.

What’s your perfect time to propose?

Popular proposal dates aside, finding the perfect time to propose really does come down to you both. If the signs say it’s time to pop the question, you certainly don’t have to wait until one of the dates above.

With the right planning, you can set the mood and ask that very important question whatever date you decide you propose. Choosing a date that means something to you and your partner is another great choice as Weddingbells details:

“Consider a special day that you and your partner share that isn’t linked to any major holidays. This could be the day that you two first met, had your first date, kissed or said “I love you.” It could even be during a special vacation. Choosing a date that’s significant to you and your partner shows you put thought and meaning behind every detail of the proposal, and is a symbol of your love and your love alone.”

Just enjoyed your very own perfect proposal? Congratulations! Find out what’s next for you and your new fiancé by reading our essential guide to just engaged life.

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